Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Neighborhood News

Last night at about 2 am, after it had begun raining, some dipshit spun out of control while tearing around the corner of our street, slammed into the neighbor's palm tree, then sped off. I heard the whole thing because I was sitting at the computer not typing, all the while feeling bad about my not typing.

The palm tree promptly fell onto a car parked in the neighbor's driveway with a loud "crunch". From what my folks told me, the Homeowner's Association for Hillgate Estates (yes, that's the generic name of the neighborhood we live in) has banned cars parked in driveways as this is considered an eyesore that lowers the property value of the houses. This neighbor was clearly in violation of this quality control measure. I am sure that quite a few over-plucked, drawn on with a pencil, old lady style eyebrows are raised with smugness at that twist. Schedenfraude is rampant in the Southern California suburbs.

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