Thursday, December 02, 2004


I got to see one of my favorite people in the world last night, Porter. There was a lot of drinking as well. Very nice. Plus I had and amazing cheeseburger at McManus.

Now I'm packing for my trip to Maryland to meet my family, who are all there to go with my little brother to the Army-Navy game. Now I could give a goddamn about sports but I do like to see them live, even though I have not the slightest idea what the actions mean or what's being said by the announcers.

I remember once in high school, a teacher who everyone thought was really cool drew a diagram on the chalkboard and asked me if I knew what it was. I guessed something scientific since he was my physiology teacher. He shook his head with a smirk on his face, and then asked another girl in the class, Dusty (yes, it was her name and yes, she was a slut). She had no idea. This went on for a bit, with the men in the class snickering and making disruptive noises. Finally, the teacher called out to one of the boys, John Eric, (yes, like "generic") who was wiggling in his seat with his blatant contempt at our female stupidity. The teacher asked him if he knew what the diagram was. He could barely contain his delight when he answered- the series of Xs and Os on the chalkboard was some sort of football play nonsense. I still don't give a rat's ass, and as I get older, I think that was a sexist, stupid thing to do. What the fuck does football have to do with physiology?!? Man, I went to a shitty, broke-ass high school.

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