Thursday, December 30, 2004


I cannot force myself to write, I am behind by so many pages. I keep letting myself get distracted and knowing I'm being an ass but I HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT.

30 pages, due January 7th, 2005. I have 25 pages. I cannot muster the literary diarrhea to splatter on those last 5 pages. Fucking fuck.

I have begun to be resentful as the WHOLE vacation is almost over, I haven't gone vintage shopping, I haven't seen any friends here or up in LA, I haven't gone to the beach, gone record album shopping, even taken the dog out on a limp around the block. I've been holed up in my Dad's study and now, up in my room, listening to my family watch DVDs and having fun recreationally fighting. This makes me do even less work.

When this paper is over I am going to go on a scandalous bender the likes of which have not been seen since the seminal disco film, "Thank God, It's Friday". Just watch me.


Buster Stronghart said...

What A Disaster.
Everyone has read the news by now about the tsunami disaster in Asia and the growing number of people dead and or dying. It is beyond disastrous.

What surprises me is how President George W. Bush is willing to spend billions of dollars to free the Iraqi citizens (many of whom do not appreciate our invasion) and these billions of dollars go to kill innocent Iraqi citizens not to mention our own soldiers. Fine, spend the money. But when a disaster like the tsunami occurs in Asia that is taking out more people as the clock ticks on (already peaking 125,000 people) the United States, the most powerful nation in the world, pledges a mere 35 million dollars (pennies, if you ask me) while other countries, such as Britain pledged 96 million dollars (70.5 Euros). We aren't showing the world what we are really made of nor are we establishing good relations with other countries. If I recall, when Sept. 11th occurred countries around the world showed respect and honored the victims. We could be doing a lot more.

The Quiet Traveler said...

think of it this way Bran. if you don't finish it madame will be secretly laughing at you.

Brandy For Sale. said...

Uh, who the fuck posted that first comment? They have SPAM posts now? Christ on a bike.