Friday, August 19, 2005

The Day Begins With Tears.

After laying in bed fantasizing about Jason Bateman, I woke up, had a bowl of cereal, took a nice long shower, and padded around the apartment. I checked my email and then, came across this article.

It actually made me cry because I was so happy, so full of awe and admiration and pride that there's someone out there who has their dream come true and is still humble and normal and gracious. It's nice to have a hero. In the interest of full disclosure, I may also have cried because now I HAVE to subscribe to HBO and cough up more money to those bastards at TimeWarner. Oh, and my period. But still.

1 comment:

2na said...


I absolutely love David Brent... I am the biggest fan. I love him and would marry this man. I saw him on Letterman not too long ago and wanted to jump through the screen and hug him for being so damn funny... naturally, no effort, just hysterical!