Thursday, February 03, 2005

Abbreviated Repost: Lovely Day, Lovely Day, Lovely Day...

Friend breakups are crappy. But sometimes, you have to just douche people. If someone is treating you like you're unimportant or second class, they just can't be allowed to get away with it. If you treat them well they should return the favor. I read somewhere in some pitiful self-help book (that I was smuggling into an In Touch Magazine at the Barnes & Noble in order to New Age myself undetected) that you teach people how to treat you. I recall being amazed by that which shows how little I valued myself back then. But now I haven't got the patience for it. Going through a major breakup has been hard enough, but I shouldn't have to feel like I'm begging you to come hang out with me, not when I'm fragile like this!

There are a couple of people that, right now on my friend report card, are flunking. And there are some people who I thought were real friends who got fired in the past that I am still amazed at for thinking they could behave this way towards me or anyone.

For your amusement and mine, here are but a few of the offenses:

  • Not keeping plans; breaking plans on the same day consistently

  • Calling to obsess over trivial things that they've been obsessing about for over a year and expecting me to STILL sympathize with them even though it's the SAME FUCKING STORY

  • Getting angry when I politely say "This subject stresses me out and since that can make me have an aura or even a seizure I don't prefer to discuss it so please respect that". Shame on me AND my partial seizure disorder! THIS REALLY HAPPENED!

  • Firing me as a bridesmaid, after demoting me from maid of honor. AGAIN, I AM NOT KIDDING.

  • Saying, "we'll get a cup of coffee" or "I'll call you later" and then doing neither. For over two years! The best part is, I never call, or say this in return because I find it hilarious. This is all on the part of the other person! I love it. What are we in fucking Hollywood? And from the same person- on one of the yearly calls, asking me to buy tickets for an event and then not calling about it so that I have to call THE DAY OF TO FOLLOW UP- ME!- then cancelling. No it gets better, then not paying me back for all the unused tickets. And you make twice what I do! Nice.

  • Letting me spot you, saying you'll spot me, and then not doing it. Example: I buy you 2 drinks. You buy me one, then we leave. You still owe me one. Next time we go out, you don't get me. I HATE THIS SO MUCH I COULD SCREAM. I always notice. There's being broke (my life), and then there's being CHEAP.

  • Thinly veiled jealous insults. Here's one: "Even though we're the same age, I'm just more mature than you are." Some spiteful fat pig said that to me once. Then she showed up to my birthday party and was glaring at Ben and I as we were dancing. She actually was mad that I had a boyfrined and didn't want to hang out with me! AND ADMITTED IT TO A MUTUAL FRIEND! She was flushed like the turd she was.

  • Same party, different friend: I sat by myself on my birthday in a bar at 7 pm, the time she had said she'd meet me. She came 4 or 5 hours later, insanely drunk (drunker than I was at my own birthday party). No one who is your friend makes you cry on your birthday.

  • If I'm your friend, I am loyal beyond reason to you. So why then would you not give me credit for something I did for you- like hooking you up with someone/somthing, or getting you into an exclusive class using my contacts. Same difference: Going behind my back to make arrangements for something I should at least be included in from a "Just wanted to let you know" standpoint- like asking one of my friends to be your director when the only way you know him is through me and he's already working with me on something, and not telling me. Rude.

  • Not being friends with me because I got a callback for/cast in something and you didn't. Actually happened in the past 3 years! What are we twelve and both at the "Natty Gann" movie callbacks?!

It's pretty funny in hindsight to look at all this. What a bunch of morons. I wasn't much better to put up with them, though. Thank god I learned to just tell them to beat it. Thankfully I am blessed with a stable of great, kind friends at this stage of my life, people who really know me and treat me well. It gets easier and easier to just shut assholes out of your life. But it doesn't make it any more pleasant, in fact it really fucking bites.


The Quiet Traveler said...

i read the post very carefully to make sure none of the above were me. and they are not. yay me! i'm sorry i can't come tonight but i explained my reasons to you and on top of that i may have strep. again: yay me!

Brandy For Sale. said...

Oh no, not you. In fact not any of the friends who read this blog. Because honestly? I don't think any of the people I'm bitching about know about this. I'm not in contact with them. This is why we're friends, April- because you are considerate and called and texted me about missing Pirate Wench Kniotting Circle #2.