Wednesday, April 12, 2006

MCC (Finally) Has His Way (With Women!): Snatchfest Gone Right.

Clockwise from top left: Sara & Brandy Love The Lovely Lang; Laura, Katina & Jenny are the Mintyfresh Crew; Dance! to the Makeout Song; After Show Street Snax with Fab Host, MCC; Sara & Brandy sing songs of love gone bad with boys who done us wrong- now with actual slides!


2na said...

I love admira's make out song -- that would be the "summer song" if it got any air play I tell you. Last night was a great show!! LOVED IT. You guys were great, you were all great! I am now an Admira addict -- you hear anything about shows -- tell me yo.

Your biggest, creepiest fan

Brandy For Sale. said...

As our "biggest, creepiest fan" did you appreciate the sensitivity of our John Lennon/Mark Chapman scene?

Also, is there a razor snuggled in your oversized #1 foam finger?

I love that you wrote the book. I'm keeping that fake cover on it forever. FULL DISCLOSURE: It's a copy of "It's Called A Break Up Because It's Broken". Icky.

Unknown said...

next time i am eating more of your pizza, guess what if you order something at 2 am and pay the delivery guy with coins and are 10 cents short they get mad. really mad... and that is massively icky.

2na said...

i like it when i either lose an eye and die in your shows or write books like that. Razor at all times but usually just in roof of my mouth

Brandy For Sale. said...

Nack! You drunken late nite scamp.