Saturday, August 26, 2006

Pants-peein' Good!

After an extended period of consideration, I've decided to change the direction of this here web-blog in a most significant way. Here are some changes you, my closest comrades, may look forward to:

1) All sweater vest facts, all the time.
2) 72% increase in the usage of the term "BOO YA!"
3) EXXXclusive nude pics of my cat, Nigel
4) overall sense of self-important ennui to be replaced with chirpy tone reminscent of the bubbly Kelly Ripa (whom I apologize for referring to as having a voice similar to "a chipmunk being fingerbanged" in a December 2005 phone conversation when I had mild food poisoning)
5) three words: Hangnail. Photo. Journal.

But never you fear: I will continue to maintain a personal blog chock full of colorful photos and wacky narrations of my Quixotan struggle to make a complete jackass of myself as frequently as humanly possible. This will be private (to what I'm sure will be the great dismay of my single reader, currently incarcerated at San Quinton for public masturbation at the Nelson accoustic reunion concert at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in postcard-perfect Del Mar, San Diego). When this becomes the case, I'll invite those of you who care to watch the nimrod parade to do so. The title of this blog may is TBD, but for the meantime it's "TOP SECRET! KEEP OUT!!! FOR REALS I MEAN IT! YOU KNOW I CAN'T HEAR YOU UNLESS YOU KNOCK, CURTIS!!!"

The switchover will be gradual, but I guess I just felt like discussing it in order to force myself to honor my own delcaration. Because you know someone likes to make sweeping statements, and then, sees a shiny trinket and scampers off down the branch to grab, grab at it! Grab!!!

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