Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Are You Ready To Get Murdered?!

Somebody went on a shoe shopping spree last Thursday and blew all their waitressing money like a buffoon. These are all the delightful pairs I snapped up in my compulsive fit and it was magic. There's another pair for which no photo could be gleaned, a leopard set with peep-toes and a bow and they are slingback 1940's platform style. Because I need to be taller, clearly.

Anyway I figured since my feet were so sore after scampering around doing everyone's fucking bidding, fetching sides of mayo and milkshakes and hot dogs with extra red onions while being drenched in grease-scent, that I deserved a fancy pair of shoes to wear when I went out and glammed it up. So I got 5. Makes sense, right? I have excellent decision-making skills. Yes, yes I do.

I wore one of these pairs of shoes- the green ones- on Saturday night, in a torrential rainstorm no less. They seemed comfortable at the time. Then I got drunk out of my mind, drank shots of Maker's, and stomped around half of Chelsea and later Brooklyn like an ass. I actually have BRUISES on the soles of my feet and was hobbling about the apartment Sunday. That's what you get for being vain & dressing up like a candy-ass. I should have just worn my Pumas.


Unknown said...

fashion before comfort and canoe safety those floation devices not flattering, guess who got fired from teaching canoeing a few years back...

Elle Starr said...

You may have tromped around drunk and ended up with bruises, but those green shoes fucking rock. And really, that's what people are going to remember.

Brandy For Sale. said...

Perhaps they may also recall me from that wee incident when the cork exploded off the proseco in the bathroom stall where Sara and I were sneaking sips off the bottle and we screamed at the top of our lungs. Very subtle. Eww.

2na said...

When do boyfriends buy us cool shoes though... never!
I like your gladiator style ones...
As you and my other native CA palzos all are RAD!!!!

Brandy For Sale. said...

Ang, the best part is: I had the very same white gladiator sandals in 6th grade and I was SOOOOOOO proud of them, I wore them until they fell apart. I bought back my childhood! Yay me!

Lianne Stokes said...

I am so fucking proud of you i just shat myself. This is one of the many reasons why lili still lives w/ mama and papa. Gurls gotta look good, yo. XO,
Grandma! XO!
