Sunday, January 16, 2005

Good Talk, Russ.

I had lovely, lengthy IM conversation with my friend Porter.

I ate some spicy black pepper brownies that my teacher's adorable boyfriend Ariel made us.

I talked to my friend Keith, who, as a result of tonsil/sinus surgery sounded like a human megaphone.

I looked at Sara's pretty neck incision and considered how it kind of looked like that one pornstar whose name I can't recall that has that skin over the hollow of her collarbone pierced.

I fed Nigel a Pounce treat (just one, they're rich).

And I listened to Welcome, Interstate Managers twice. People, I LIVE LIFE.

Aura(s): 1
Sung out loud badly: Lessons in Love, Level 42
Chocolate Consumed: 1 c. drinking chocolate @Starbucks, courtesy Heather Fink; 1 Snickers bar
Caffeine Consumed: 1 large Americano @ Starbucks w/ cream & Splenda, I large deli coffee w/ sugar and cream

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