Friday, February 10, 2006



Nicole Richie set to bathe New Yorkers in Diet Dr Pepper

For New Yorkers who already despise Valentine’s Day, here’s more bad news: We’ve just heard that Nicole Richie will be leading an army of Cadbury Schweppes drones on Tuesday in handing out free samples of Diet Dr Pepper all across the city. We’re all for “falling in love with great taste,” as the press release puts it, but we don’t get where this “Hollywood sweetheart” (also from the press release) fits in. A brand manager at the company says he wants to emphasize that “there’s nothing diet about Diet Dr Pepper.” If you don’t want people thinking “diet,” why hire a skeleton? Unfortunately, there’s no map available of Ms. Richie’s route, so you’ll all just have to fend for yourselves.
—Posted by Tim Nudd

Oh, dear. Ms. Hannon shan't be pleased. I certainly am not.


2na said...

well I will be with her ex man at karaoke.. he is spinning att he party -- he offered.

Brandy For Sale. said...

Make sure and feed him from a can of DDP- seductively. Without lip-cutting.